Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cancer Clusters

In the news today, they were talking about concerns about Cancer Clusters in Sayerville, NJ. Residents in this area are worried about the levels of Cancer in their environment. I don’t blame them. If I lived near a Superfund* site and had all sorts of pesticides and shit in my environment, I’d be terrified. Wait a minute… I actually do. I live in the Bronx. We have the notorious Cross Bronx Expressway which is a major producer of smog. What are the residents saying about it? Not much. Well, you actually don’t hear them. See, the Bronx is the poorest county in the nation. Yeah, go figure. Who would’ve thought that in the big rich city of New York, the Bronx’ population is struggling more than a trailer trash bumpkin in VA who has a common law marriage to his first cousin, Loretta. This is as per the last US Census.

When I lived in Harlem, I was enamored by the gorgeous Riverside State Park. There is a running track, ice/roller skating, picnic areas, vendors, play areas for the kids, soccer fields, just good times to be had. To my dismay, I learned that the Riverside community was pissed off that the city put a waste plant in their community and were fighting like hell to get it out. Rather than loose millions and get rid of the plant, the powers that be decide “Hey, just throw some grass and a park on top and they’ll be happy!” Surely enough, they were. Haven’t read any articles about complaints; haven’t even heard anything from former neighbors. Let’s see how the children who are playing on this grass turn out in 20 years. Remember on the Simpsons when Mr. Burns said that he’d eat the three-eyed fish, yeah, it’s that real.

Until next time…

Be Seen at the Top!

*Definition of Superfund
WordNet - Cite This Source
the federal government's program to locate and investigate and clean up the worst uncontrolled and abandoned toxic waste sites nationwide; administered by the Environmental Protection Agency; "some have intimated that the Superfund's money may have turned into a political slush fund" [syn: Superfund program]
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.


Anonymous said...

eah most people don't know about how bad the Bronx is because people subconsciously think that if it's in or near NYC that it can't be all that bad. And granted a lot of the stats the Gov't uses can be subjected to several variables that can misconstrue the truth. Say what you will about the BX but people who live in the Miss delta would trade their lives to live fordham or riverdale sections in a quick second. Regarding the toxic dumping i think most people accept that there are gonna be some shits in the air/water/ground that could sicken you later but are willing to put up with it in return for the many goods and services the toxic causing agents supply. Take the good with the bad is the majority mentality.

---Khalid Salaam

Anonymous said...

True, people might trade positions to live in Riverdale, but the cost of living and quality of life out there is different. Shoot, I'd like to live in Riverdale. That is a totally different section of the Bronx and damn near Westchester County. When you start going up there, the cost of living rises. Doubt that those who live in the Miss Delta area would be able to maintain the lifestyle UNLESS they had serious financial backing and savings. That's goes for anyone actually. As we know, it's all about the money.