I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. For some, this is the best holiday of them all: Macy's parade ( on TV or in real life) good eats… ham, turkey of course - fried, baked, burnt, not quite cooked – cranberry sauce, squash, yams, stuffing/dressing, mac-n-cheese, soup, potatoes – mashed, sweet, garlic, salad - greens/cabbage, everything else and you can’t forget the sweets – pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, coconut custard pie (resorting to your childhood and licking the bowl)… massive email texts with variations on ‘HAPPY THANKSGIVING” “Happy Day when the pilgrims stole the land of the true Americans” (I had like 30+ texts. So many that my Treo froze telling me I didn’t have enough memory so I had to delete texts and reboot); arguments about family (damn sister-in-laws, bad ass kids, pets, Auntie’s nasty food and why did she bring it, who is helping clean up, who the hell is farting), politics (Hilary’s butchness classic Uncle Frank statement:“how can she control a country if she can’t control her man” vs. Barack’s lack of experience); pissin’ contests comparing years of service in the ARMY/Marines/Air Force/whatever; arguments over damn Mexicans (They’re taking our jobs. Well are they really?) and yada-yada-yada.
It is always great when family and friends come together. Sometimes you may think it’s a drag, but in the end, you realize that it might be only once a year that you get to be baggered about who you are dating, that you get to see your little cousin Jason who really isn’t so little anymore, that you get that home cooked meal and don’t feel guilty about eating 3rds or 4ths, that you feel the love and warmth of true family and friends.
I couldn’t spend this holiday with my family, so one of my girlfriends (B. Rocks!!!) invited me down to spend it with she and her family. I’ve hungout with them plenty of times so I knew I would have a blast. A Rocks family favorite is tip-cup, but we didn’t play it. Okay, basically tip-cup is a relay race in which you have x amount of people on one side of the table vs. x amount of people on the other side. At the sound of the buzzer (or just say “GO!”) the first person swallows down about ¼ of their drink of choice. After they drink it down, they slam down the cup to prove it’s empty and place it on the edge of the table. This is where the tipping comes into play. They must successfully flip their cup over – landing on the brim – before the next teammate can go. The anchor for each team has about ½ a cup to drink and must successfully tip their cup. The first team to successfully tip all their cups wins that round. Each person must be an anchor. LOL. Good times and a quick way to get wasted. I struggle at this game. The kids usually beat me. Hey, I’m a light-weight. Yes, they play, but not with booze. Since I’m an adult, I must play with booze.
Here is a crazy little video I took on my Treo - quality isn't the greatest, but I wanted to capture the moment :-) The Rocks and I were sitting around trying to calm down the rambunctious kids. Uncle Michael broke out the mini guitar and began singing ‘Puff the Magic Dragon.’ From there we sang other kid-friendly songs, laughed, drank and ate pie.
Peace, peace familia!!
Be Seen at the Top!
I aint scared of no tip cup! Glad you had a good time Bettina, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far. A day to celebrate the love of loved ones, whats better?
Hey you! Yeah, this is a good day. My favorite holiday is Christmas. More of my family tends to get together during that time and both my parents had off so EVERYONE was together. We played Scattergories. What you know about the board games. I kick ass in Scrabble too. My faaaavorite game. Oh, Taboo. Hmph! My LS got me into that one. Haha!
Ha ha hell, lol. Anytime you wanna get it on with the boardgames you let me know.
My video didn't post. :-(
Hey, we posted at the same time!!
No, Enrique. I'm not talking about dominoes. I'm talking about critical mind thinking games. You know, I really can't spell. But give me a Scrabble board and I can spell anything. My Ex says I'm a savant in that way. lol
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