In ones professional and personal fiscal journey, there are many stages of success and newfound levels of achievement that they encounter. Many of these stages can be furtive and clothed in levels of grey because they are not instantly evident. They are the subtle results of discipline, focused effort, foresight, and positioning. Unless you are one of the lucky few that came up very suddenly, success plays out as a journey where cosmetic improvements and an upgraded change of scenery occur naturally and without abrupt modifications to your livelihood. You might notice that you have a taste for top shelf liquor recently or that your cube TV might have metamorphosized into a nice plasma. These occurrences happen when you come-up but you are not going to gut your apartment and then order all new furniture and accoutrements all of the sudden. Success is time consuming. But the question I ask of you today is, when in one’s success journey, does their recently former way of life get played out and not good enough for them anymore? When does the luster of a 5 star hotel suite become customary or even passé to a sports figurehead? When does a model, or a straight 10 become obsolete and interchangeable to an entertainer? And when (even for the moderately successful brother or sister out there) does waiting an extra minute and a half for your valet car exasperate you when you could have been wearing that red vest in the not so distant past. I call that increasing lack of empathy for those on a lower tier and mounting shallowness regarding your good fortune “going polar”. I only use that term for the abusers of their own privilege. Im not saying go hang on the block you used to in high school so you can prove that your keepin in real, im saying just don’t cuss out your intern cause he brought back 2% milk in your latte when you told him skim. Always keep your considerate mind and wits about you as you transcend up that slippery slope called success. Because if you slip you will be kept company by the ones that you shitted on when you were on the other side of the velvet rope. Peace
Friday, January 25, 2008
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1 comment:
LOL. NICE. This is a good post...
Yeah, it's crazy when people change. I just had a conversation about this with one of my clients today. She was saying how she wants to maintain a level head throughout her rise to success. Especially because people are like crabs and will pull you down, step on you and then laugh at you for falling.
But, in a sense, depending on your work/live environment, you get used to partying with the ALL STARS and hanging with the beautiful people. If that is your norm, then you aren't "Going Polar". I mean, a friend of mine can just call Charles Barkley up on the phone and be like 'Hey'. A few years back he couldn't and would have probably been psyched if he had the opportunity, but now, it’s just a part of his job. He is used to hanging with the ALL STARS, having the 10’s fawn over him just because he do what he does.
In some ways, it’s a different mindset. I know depending on the event I’m working or where I’m at, I have to be focused and it doesn’t even matter that whispering in Susan Taylor’s ear or pulling her by the arm to get her to where she needs to be. After a while you develop relationships with people and a social smooch on the cheek with Jamie Hector isn’t a big deal. Now, the two people I mentioned aren’t super stars, but they have clout in their own right.
Hmm, it just depends on the environment and the person. I don’t condone yelling at your intern for something so mundane or acting like Puffy touting that his babies mother is disposable. Some behavior is just outrageous and in that sense, they ARE “Going Polar”.
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